
Staatsexamen (state examination)

  • German Patent Attorney
  • European Patent Attorney
  • European Trademark and Design Attorney


  • patent application proceedings, oppositions, appeal proceedings
  • expert opinion on legal validity and infringement of IP rights
  • trademark application proceedings, oppositions, appeal proceedings
  • strategic advice
  • Chemistry
  • Food chemistry, Cosmetics
  • Pharmacy
  • Basic materials
  • Working methods
  • Agriculture, Food
  • Mechanical Engineering, Transportation
  • Environmental technology
  • Consumer goods

Katharina Bauch studied food chemistry at the University of Münster (Germany) and Technical University of Munich (Germany), and completed her studies with the first state examination. Following a year at the State Investigation Office for Health and Food Safety, she completed the second state examination in food chemistry in 1989. Katharina Bauch is a German Patent Attorney, European Patent Attorney and European Trademark and Design Attorney with more than 25 years of professional experience in the field of intellectual property rights, including the prosecution and enforcement of patents, utility models, trademarks and designs at national, European and international level. From 2001 to 2016, Katharina Bauch practiced as an independent patent attorney in her own law firm in Munich. Katharina Bauch has been working as an associate and patent attorney for Godemeyer Blum Lenze Patentanwälte, Partnerschaft mbB since 2019.